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"Space has become image and image has become space. The viewer becomes the creator, the artist becomes the observer. During the exhibition, they will merge into a driving force in dialogue with space, for a limited time managing the artistic media. The authors new project The Blackboard has transformed the space of Likovni salon into an immense black surface, which functions as an old school blackboard. The surface of the wall has allready succumbed to the artists intervention and now awaits only the intervention of the audience. The project indicates the research of the position and a potential of the painting medium through the processuality of creation and dialogue with the viewer. Chalk drawings ( images of animate and inanimate nature, macroscopic images...), the first result of the artist s process, communicate with eachother in the initial phase. During the opening, this communication may ( or may not ) expand to other drawings, created by the audience. In this way the artist wishes to bring the image to the viewer as directly as possible, thereby demystiying the creative process. With her artistic practice, she withdraws from the artistic product as a tangible product, which has become devalued due to contemporary obsession with "things", and focuses on the event itself. Interested in the movement of the body in space with its performative dimensions, she attacks vast surfaces.The audience will enter a seemingly complete work of art, interrupt it, and finally exit alongside the artist. Artist doubts the image as a beautiful, completed object in itself, but not the power of the painting medium in the broadest sense, here limiting the theatre. In the case of Blackboard, the image is a variable social structure, and the painter bets on temporality./.../"M.Antončič





Slike so iz serije, ki je začela lani pomladi nastajati v Leipzigu. V tem času sem brala roman Knjiga o Blanche in Marie, Per Olov Enquista. Blanche Whitman, "prva histerična pacientka v zgodovini", tu opisuje, kako ima med "histeričnimi napadi" na kliniki fantazijo, da hodi v nek imaginaren gozd. Ta serija je nekakšen strip, različni prizori iz istega imaginarnega gozda, ekosistema /.../

Iva Tratnik
V ciklu se nekaj elementov pojavi kot lajtmotiv – hrošči ter pijavke, biseri-jajčeca ter eksotično rastlinje, igrače (figurine človek ne jezi se, frnikule-jajčeca), vse skupaj seveda imaginarno predelano. Obilje živih močnih barv, eksotičnega rastlinja in v neskončnost, čez robove slike, parečih se hroščkov, nam razkriva, da je eden imperativov vesolja večna hiperprodukcija življenjskih oblik. Kozmos je predvsem gigantska tovarna, biseri kot semena novih oblik in kot za človeško oko na videz večne zvezde - ki pa ravno tako umirajo, da se razpočijo nove.


(povzetki iz teksta Maje Vrhovac z Ivo Tratnik)



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